We expand the concept of party, we use it as an excuse to communicate, get to know each other and open ourselves to share. The exchange from joy and respect is a fundamental piece for the construction of a society rich in culture and values. The interaction in a festive, relaxed and fun context, facilitates the understanding of constructive messages from a different point to which we are used to.
FIESTA RARA, is a new plot where we maximize the desire to share a space that cultivates the permanence of the free, the growth of respect, the photosynthesis of the synergy of the shared, co-created and growing common space.
We propose an event that brings together musical and audience diversity, permeating all parts. In the knowledge of the other, lies the power of creation, that integration is a permanent concretion. We promote an artistic culture of integration in diversity, a culture of cohabitation and, above all, of humanization.
The garden opens its doors to all botanical species, the party will be rare until that feeling no longer happens. Then the garden will be a universe.
Promovemos formas de convivencia e integración basadas en el RESPET0 Y elcuidado mutuo y del entorno
We propose an event that brings together musical and audience diversity, permeating all parts. In the knowledge of the other, lies the power of creation, that integration is a permanent concretion. We promote an artistic culture of integration in diversity, a culture of cohabitation and, above all, of humanization.
The garden opens its doors to all botanical species, the party will be rare until that feeling no longer happens. Then the garden will be a universe.
Cuidemos nuestro comportamiento también en las fiestas